Sunday, January 30, 2011

No Fear

No fear Blogfest hosted by Dominic de Mattos
Well I think it is to late to enter and that's okay. But I'm still going to put an excerpt from my current WIP. Vampire Angel.

This is my first Blogfest I've tried to enter and like I said I think I'm to late. But I'm swallowing my fear and posting my excerpt for you to read.

     Addysin was shaking and it was difficult to walk. Taking a deep breath, she found her center. The keys clinked as she dropped them in the bowl on the counter before heading into the living room. Her parents were waiting for her with reddened eyes.
     "Addysin, honey, we have something to tell you," Addysin's dad began.
      Addysin noticed right away that his usually pale skin was somehow even paler. To her it looked translucent. This can't be good, she thought as she sank into the corner of the couch. With her knees pulled to her chest, she rocked back and forth.
      "No Carl let me tell her please." Janice said in her small voice. Mom took a deep breath and tried to hold the tears back as she began. "Addy, the doctors don't give me long to live."
     "No, no this new treatment was going to help. It was out last chance." She covered her face with her hands and continued rocking.
     Moving to the seat next to Addysin instead of across from her so she could hold her hand Janice continued. "We already knew it was a gamble. The cancer had spread so much."
    Addysin sat still holding her head sobbing and rocking faster. "No, no, it can't be true,"
    Wanting to hold her daughter, Janice cried with her. "Hold her Carl she needs it and I can't. We will keep me comfortable."

    "How long Mom, how long do we have?" Addysin lifter her face to meet her mother's sky blue eyes.

    "I'm not sure. A week, maybe only a few days the cancer is growing fast."

    Addysin stared at the gold glittered framed picture of her mom and dad's wedding day. The picture was one of her favorites. Her mom wore a simple ivory fitted gown and her veil was long. The wind had blown her veil back and at times it looked like wings and the tiny tiara a halo. Janice almost glowed with happiness.

     "I love you, Mom." Her eyes flickered between her mom and the picture on the mantel.

     Addysin snuggled into her dad because she couldn't snuggle into her mom. Sitting there staring at her mom letting her mind recall their life together. Every scraped knee, broken heart, and fight with a best friend they were together. The way her mother always took care of, not only her and dad but also everyone, she would take care of her. "I'll be with you until the end. Whatever you need me to do I will be there. It's my turn to hold you." Addysin put on a brave face and went carefully to hug her mom.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Promise Kept

A fellow critter at just got her novel Promise Kept by Brandi Hunt.
Congratulations Brandi. You can check out her ebook by clicking on the title.

Seeing other authors get their dreams published keeps my head up and fingers stroking the keys.

Good luck to everyone out there.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

A few tears

After a few tears and many *headdesk* moments, I have decided to do some rewriting. I have started over from the first chapter. I've kept several scenes, but wasn't satisfied with everything else. So here we go again.

Thanks to several authors that have blogs that help me through these hard times, I know it's okay to start over. Especially if it's not right.

Thanks to Shannon at Wrining Out Words
And JJ at Writer's Block NZ

If your having a hard time and can't seem to go on. First try going back a little ways and do a little editing if you still can't get past it and your not truly happy with it CUT it. It'll be all right. Maybe your story wasn't going where you wanted it or where your character's wanted it to go. (That's what happen to me, my MC didn't like where she was at. To be honest neither did I.) Fix it. Write and Write some more even if you have to cut and re write.
Thanks to my husband and family for being so supportive.
Once this headache goes away, now that I'm done hitting on the desk. I'll get back at writing the new version of  my work in progress..

Friday, January 21, 2011

gotta start somewhere

As my profile says I am a writer. I have always written, stories, diary or just jotting down my thoughts. But after losing my mom, at 30, I decided life is to short. I started thinking about writing a novel. So I started researching it a little. Began jotting down some ideas and came across a character with a story I really want to tell. After telling my dad and making him swear not to say a word, I opened my mind and my mouth.
The second person I told was my husband and the next were my friends. Everyone was very supportive. So I started writing, about Addysin. I shortly found out that I had a really hard time with transitional scenes and shutting off my inner editor.
I have no formal training in writing or editing. No english classes besides high school and one year of college english. That made me a little nervous and a fellow writer suggested a great book that is helping me alot. English Grammar for Dummies, has become my best friend. I read on Cassandra Clare's website that being part of a critque group helps with writing. She suggested Critters so I signed up. :)
Not only do I enjoy critiquing but it is helping me with my writing. You're probably thinking, "Sure it does."  But seriously, helping other writers strengthen their writing has helped me see things I can strengthen in my own. I cannot wait to have my first two chapters go through. I plan on getting them on the list this weekend. That's the plan any way.
So where am I at now. 40,000 words, more or less half way. I did take a small time out during the holidays. I had won a critique from Becca Puglisi at the BookShelf Muse, so I rushed and edited the first chapter. Then I re edited it. After editing it again I had to retype it into the computer that has the internet. (No i did not have it saved on a flash drive so I could transfer it.) During the retyping I made several mistakes and missed them before sending them to her. The feed back I got was great, even considering all the small and LARGE grammar errors that it had. I took her feedback and applied it to my first, second and third chapters. SO now I am half way finished writing and stuck editing.
I am trying to convince myself to stop the editing (for now) and go back to creative writing the final chapters. But I want to send my first two chapters through Critters to get that amazing feedback that fellow critters give.  So if you have any thoughts, or suggetions for me going forward let me know. I love comments!