Works In Progress

January 2012--
New WIP is going great. After an epic failure of not completing Vampire Angel I took a break through the holidays. I started back up the first week of January and am 27,890 words into my new Young Adult Contemporary novel. Titled Fear (for now, although I'm working on changing it.) It's exciting to write something new. I already have the ending and it is awesome! My goal is to finish this first draft and have a round of editing complete by February 15th. Once I send this WIP off for critiques and beta readers input I plan on working on Vampire Angel again. I think a little break from it and a new idea to get my creativity flowing is just what I needed. Oh and I got a wonderful idea for another novel. This WIP will be an adult women's fiction. I've already started a brief outline just so I won't forget. In the next six months I hope to have all three written to a completion with at least two critiqued and ready for querying. This last one I hope to have finished by the end of summer and starting on something new. My goal for 2012 is to have four novels finished and either queried or maybe self published, depending on those dear critiques.

August 24th 2011
It's been 13 months since I started writing my WIP. It's come a long way and thanks to helpful event called SoCNoC I have come really close to finishing my first draft. Which is actually closer to a fourth draft but my first completed draft. Now that my daughters huge weekend is done and kids are back in school and I'm done doing exercises to procrastinate, I am getting back to my dreadful ending. Only dreadful because I can't make it work.
The time is coming that it will be complete and ready for the editing and revision fun.

So my first novel that I am 40,000 words into is called Vampire Angel.

As I get farther along in the editing I will post excerpts from it on this page. So check back to see what's going on with my Vampire Angel Addysin.

As I was researching this book I had a small inspiration. And now I am outlining and doing some research on my next work in progress Escape through the Northern Lights.

Both novels are in the Young Adult category and  between 70 and 85k words. As I get farther along in both I will post excerpts on this Work in Progress Page.